March 20-23, 2025, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
AsiaBSDCon は、BSD ベースのシステムの利用者・開発者のための国際会議です。次回の会議は、2025 年 3 月 20 日から 3 月 23 日にかけて、東京で開催されます。どなたでも参加できますが、特に FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD, Darwin, MacOS X などを使ったシステムの開発や導入、利用をしている方におすすめです。AsiaBSDCon の目標は、技術的な国際会議であること、そして技術的な論文や講演を集め、最新の開発成果を共有できるよう、オープンソースコミュニティに広く公開することにあります。
Due to a confluence of circumstances: financial, logistical, and personal we are unable to hold the conference as planned this year. We deeply apologize for this and are sad that we will not be able to meet in Tokyo this year, as we had planned.
AsiaBSDCon has weathered financial downturns, an earthquake and other very real challenges since it was started 20 years ago. For the conference to have a vibrant future some things must change and we are undertaking these changes presently, and are also going to be asking for help from the community.
Changes with immediate effect:
We know that this may all come as a bit of shock to the community but we believe that this shock and reset of the conference will make it stronger and give it the ability to provide excellent papers, talks and hallway discussions for another twenty years.
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